FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 20
Upcoming Events
· October 13th, 1:00 PM: FNNDSC Final Student Internship Presentation by Jinwoo Hong
▴October 13th, 3:00 PM: How to Create a Perfect Elevator Pitch?
· October 14th, 10:00 AM: Bi-Weekly Lecture Series with Dr. Kiho Im
▴October 20th, 12:00 PM: Digital Imaging Essentials Workshop
(Understand how to prepare images in one application for use in other applications.)
· October 24th: Last Day to Register to Vote in MA for General Election
Helpful Links
▴ Funding Opportunities
Final Student Internship Presentation
Date: October 13th from 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Presenter: Jinwoo Hong, PhD Candidate
FNNDSC's Graduate Student Intern, Jinwoo Hong will be giving a final presentation summarizing his work and experiences at the FNNDSC:
Jinwoo graduated with a B.S. and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering in Catholic University of Daegu in Korea. He is a PhD candidate from Hanyang University in Korea. At the FNNDSC, he works as a Graduate Student Researcher. During his time at the FNNDSC, he has been working on automatic fetal brain MRI processing development as well as developing the deep learning algorithm for the fetal brain with Dr. HyukJin Yun and Dr. Kiho Im. ________________ Zoom meeting information: Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/95656955756?pwd=b2xXVHpnMGhQRFhXZlRwZzBJblhudz09 Password: 389193 Or dial in from your telephone: Internally: x28882 Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary) 408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number) Telephone password: 389193 Or iPhone one-tap: +16465588656,,95656955756# or +14086380968,,95656955756# EWS link: https://zoom.us/wc/95656955756/join Meeting ID: 956 5695 5756
Bi-Weekly Lecture Series with Kiho Im, PhD

Date: Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Title: Advanced fetal brain MRI processing and analysis: Methods and Applications
In vivo fetal MRI can improve the diagnostic accuracy for fetal brain abnormalities, leading to better prenatal counseling and clinical management. However, fetal brain structural changes are often too subtle to be detected by qualitative visual MRI inspection. Our research goal is to develop advanced fetal MRI processing and analysis techniques to provide quantitative and biologically relevant imaging biomarkers that help us to better understand prenatal brain development and aid in the detection of disease. We focus on developing a fully automatic pipeline for fetal brain MRI processing including automatic fetal brain segmentation; MRI quality assessment; motion correction; brain tissue segmentation using state-of-the-art medical image processing and deep learning techniques. We have also proposed several advanced methodologies for quantifying and investigating local and regional cortical surface growth; sulcal pits and patterns development; biological fetal brain age. We have applied our technologies to typically developing fetuses and fetuses with cortical malformations, agenesis of corpus callosum, congenital heart disease, Down syndrome, and ventriculomegaly. Our prior studies have successfully shown the potential to identify individuals with abnormal brain structure early in utero and predict their postnatal clinical outcomes, which would allow better fetal care and future fetal interventions.
Dr. Kiho Im received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 2009 from Hanyang University, Korea, and began his postdoctoral training as a Research Fellow in the FNNDSC, BCH in 2010. He was promoted to Instructor in 2012 and he has been Assistant professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, BCH since 2016.
He has expertise in quantitative neuroimage analysis using structural and diffusion MRI data. His research goal is to provide unique and biologically relevant imaging biomarkers that not only help us to better understand normal and abnormal brain development, but also aid in the detection and diagnosis of disease. In particular, his team focuses on quantitative analysis of sulcal pits and patterns; gyral based structural brain connectivity/network analysis; genetic and environmental effects on brain development; and advanced fetal brain MRI processing and analysis using deep learning.
Zoom meeting information:
Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/93185236983?pwd=OWJxN0tJS2JyaDJiZlQ2MDdwZHhydz09
Password: 949348
Or dial in from your telephone:
Internally: x28882
Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary)
408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)
Telephone password: 949348
Or iPhone one-tap:
+16465588656,,93185236983# or +14086380968,,93185236983#
EWS link: https://zoom.us/wc/93185236983/join
Meeting ID: 931 8523 6983
Flu Vaccinations
Due to Covid-19 and the need for social distancing, many aspects of the Annual Staff Influenza (flu) Vaccination Program will be different this year. It is more critical than ever to get vaccinated as influenza and covid-19 have similar symptoms.
There are 3 options for flu vaccination:
Unit-based by a nurse in your department or floor
Large clinic in Folkman Auditorium (by appointment only)
Your local doctor's office or "minute clinic"
Deadline for vaccination is October 30, 2020. Click here to book your flu shot appointment.
On-site Administrative Support This Week
Gauravi will be onsite this week on Tuesday, October 13th.

How have we adapted to work from home?

Cindy Zhou, Clinical Research Assistant, enjoyed a beautiful hike at Bash Bish Falls State Park over the weekend.
If you would like to share your work from home set up, fun quarantine activities, or pictures of your quarantine pet pals on the weekly newsletter series, please email gauravi.prabhu@childrens.harvard.edu.