FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 29
Upcoming Events
December 16th:
FNNDSC Final Student Internship Presentation
December 16th:
December 17th:
December 18th:
Newborn Medicine Research Seminar Series
Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society
Helpful Links
▴ Funding Opportunities
FNNDSC Final Student Internship Presentations
As many of our FNNDSC interns prepare to head back to their home countries, please tune in to their presentations this Wednesday, December 16th from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. Below is a brief introduction of our interns who will presenting and their project synopsis:

Francesco Nasta is a graduate student in Biomedical Engineering at University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome. He received his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering in 2018 from University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome. His role here at FNNDSC has been to work under Dr. Eleonora Tamilia and focus on Novel Multi-features Method to Optimize Noninvasive Electrical and Magnetic Source Imaging before Epilepsy Surgery.

Diana Piera is a medical student at University of São Paulo. During her time at FNNDSC, she has worked with Dr. Yangming Ou on downloading and collecting information about large, publicly available datasets of brain MRI. She has also worked on the construction of brain atlases that aim to optimize brain imaging analysis and contribute to neurological research and healthcare. She will be presenting her work on the topic “The use of data sharing and big data to study neurodevelopment through typically-developing brain MRI”.

Paulina Picazo is currently studying her last year of a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. She's interested in optical analysis techniques and materials science. During her time with the FNNDSC in 2020, she assisted with the design and development of devices for the NIRS group. She will be presenting her work titled "Development of a spectral domain optical coherence tomography neuroendoscope."

Fan-Yu Yen received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, and is pursuing her Master’s Degree in the same field. During her undergraduate, she had an internship working on MRI Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) image processing in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia. She is interested in signal processing and data analysis. At the FNNDSC, she is currently working in the engineering team within the NIRS group. She will be presenting her work on the signal processing and analysis of autoregulation data. She will also discuss her work with photoacoustic simulation, optical coherence tomography (OCT) component assembly and electroencephalogram (EEG) measuring printed circuit board (PCB) board development.

Lucca Zampolli is currently finishing medical school at the University of São Paulo. This year, he is an intern of the NIRS group, and he is working on clinical research, such as the Encephalopathy Score for subjects. He will be presenting his work on “Personal experience and Learning - Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and brain segmentation on patients with Hydrocephalus”.
Zoom Information:
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Last Week's FNNDSC Project Updates
Advanced Computing Group
· Dr. Rudolph Pienaar discussed the evolution of the ChRIS and the Covid-Net Open Source Initiatives here.
EEG & MEG Data Analysis Team
· Dr. Eleonora Tamilia and Dr. Goergios Ntolkeras presented their epilepsy research work at the American Epilepsy Society (AES) meeting last weekend.
· Dr. Tamilia contributed with seven posters (listed here) and Dr. Ntolkeras with four posters (listed here) and one selected oral presentation in the platform of "Neurophysiology".
On-site Administrative Support This Week
Gauravi will be onsite this week on Friday, December 18th.

Happy Holidays from Research Administrator, Tina Giella and her family to yours!

If you would like to share your holiday picture may it be with your family, friends, pets, etc., email gauravi.prabhu@childrens.harvard.edu.