FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 32
Upcoming events:
August 17: FNNDSC bi-weekly lecture series
Presenter: Meher Rohit Juttukonda, PhD
Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/91409120118?pwd=VTRWYVlJdnY2TGFiemVNV1Q5dlJHdz09
Password: 028623
August 18: NBS Webinar Session: Dr. Pablo Sanchez
Flux 2022 | September 7-9, 2022 | La Sorbonne Paris, France
The 22nd International Conference on Biomagnetism: August 28 – September 1, 2022
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Society for Neuroscience: November 12-16, 2022; San Diego, CA
online abstract submission opens on June 21
More information on abstract deadlines here: Society for Neuroscience - Dates and Deadlines (sfn.org)
51ST CNS ANNUAL MEETING: The 51st CNS Annual Meeting will be held at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio October 12-15, 2022.
. More information here: CNS Annual Meeting - Child Neurology Society
September 4–8: ICCN 2022 Geneva, Switzerland
Abstracts are being accepted from July 15th, 2022 at 8:00 AM EDT until September 30th 2022 at 11:59 PM for the 2023 International Newborn Brain Conference in Clearwater, Florida.
Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society - Fetal Neurology Webinar Series Helpful Links ▴ Research Computing Data Management ▴ Research Computing Self Portal ▴ Research Announcements & News ▴ Office of Sponsored Programs Updates ▴ Funding Opportunities and Links ▴ Staff Resources - Covid-19 ▴ Covid Vaccine FAQs
Monkeypox Facts and Prevention
Monkeypox is a disease that is caused by infection with a virus. The virus is similar to the variola virus which causes smallpox and the cowpox virus.
Monkeypox is a virus that can be spread from person to person through close contact. This can happen by touching the sores (lesions) of a person who is infected, by touching clothing, bed linens, or equipment that have been contaminated by fluid from infected lesions, or through respiratory droplets when people are in prolonged (>3 hours) face-to-face contact. Sexual contact with someone who is symptomatic is also considered to pose a higher risk for transmission.
Here is more information on the Emergency Management’s monkeypox webpage and the Open Meeting video.
FNNDSC Wellness Club
From June 5th to October 1st, free fitness classes are offered in parks throughout Boston. More information, including any cancelations, are provided on Facebook and Twitter at @bostonparksdept and @healthyboston. Virtual and in person options are available.
A great variety of classes, including circuit style, yoga, sculpt, abs & body, athletic conditioning, kickboxing, and pilates.
Open Weekdays, 9:30A – 4:30P, now through mid-October.
Programs are weather permitted.
Wag Wednesdays! Come play with puppies at Joslin Park in Longwood. Every Wednesday from 12-2PM at Joslin Park https://www.masco.org/enhancing-the-lma/outside
Brain Games
If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at: winona.bruce-baiden@childrens.harvard.edu