FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 12
Happy Monday!

Upcoming events:
March 24: NBS Webinar Session: Dr. Andrew Whitelaw
September 08-09, 2022 in Prague, Czechia
Abstracts/Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline | March 31, 2022
Flux 2022 | September 7-9, 2022 | La Sorbonne Paris, France
The 22nd International Conference on Biomagnetism: August 28 – September 1, 2022
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Society for Neuroscience: November 12-16, 2022; San Diego, CA
online abstract submission opens on June 21
More information on abstract deadlines here: Society for Neuroscience - Dates and Deadlines (sfn.org)
51ST CNS ANNUAL MEETING: The 51st CNS Annual Meeting will be held at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio October 12-15, 2022.
The abstract submission portal will be open February 1 – April 1, 2022. More information here: CNS Annual Meeting - Child Neurology Society
OHBM 2022 is scheduled to take place in Glasgow, Scotland from June 19, 2022 - June 23, 2022!
May 07-12: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB
ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting • 06-09 May 2022 | London, England, United Kingdom
June 1: Dr. M. Judah Folkman Research Day
September 4–8: ICCN 2022 Geneva, Switzerland
Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society - Fetal Neurology Webinar Series Helpful Links ▴ Research Computing Data Management ▴ Research Computing Self Portal ▴ Research Announcements & News ▴ Office of Sponsored Programs Updates ▴ Funding Opportunities and Links ▴ Staff Resources - Covid-19 ▴ Covid Vaccine FAQs
BCH COVID-19 Update
Universal Masking
BCH employees who are up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccine series (received the first series as well as a COVID-19 vaccine booster) may congregate without facemasks in non-patient facing areas (e.g., staff conference rooms). All staff must wear a mask in all patient facing areas and communal areas (hallways or other areas, such as lobbies, where vaccination status is unknown).
· If staff are to be unmasked in approved areas, please discuss masking as a group prior to removing your mask. Be considerate of others who may not feel comfortable removing masks at this time.
· Staff who are up-to-date on their vaccine series may eat or drink without physical distancing.
· Staff who are not up-to-date on their vaccine series must remain six feet apart from others while eating or drinking.
· Staff should have conversations with their peers asking if they are comfortable doing so prior to taking off their masks. Staff who are not up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccine series must continue to wear their mask.
Offsite BCH Foundation/Sponsored Events
Masking is no longer required at offsite BCH sponsored events. Offsite events must follow the guidelines of the venue and the community in which the event is located. If attendees are up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccine series, they may be unmasked and are able to eat and drink without physical distancing. Attendees that are not up-to-date on their vaccination series need to remain masked and to remain 6 feet away from other people while eating or drinking.
Beginning Monday, April 11th, the following changes will be implemented:
· Visitor Policy
o Two visitors of any age will be permitted to visit per patient.
· Observers, Shadowers, and Vendors
o Observers, shadowers, and non-essential vendors will be permitted onsite and must follow all current COVID-19 BCH guidance.
New FNNDSC Member(s):

Please welcome new FNNDSC member, David Xiang! David is a 2nd year medical student at Harvard Medical School. He graduated in 2020 from Harvard College with a major in History and Science and a minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology. He will be joining Dr. Yangming Ou’s research team as a part-time student researcher, learning more about large database analysis and research techniques in examining brain health and factors that influence brain development. Some of his leisure activities include: writing poetry and short stories, playing basketball and soccer, as well as piano and ukulele!
FNNDSC Wellness Club

Find resources here for programs at BCH, healthy recipes, and share exercise goals.
If you are interested in joining the wellness club on Slack, please email winona.bruce-baiden@childrens.harvard.edu.
Brain Games
If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at: winona.bruce-baiden@childrens.harvard.edu