FNNDSC Weekly Newsletter - Week 5
Upcoming Events:
February 2nd,10am: Matteo and Lavinia's Thesis Presentation
Zoom meeting information:
Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/91409120118?pwd=VTRWYVlJdnY2TGFiemVNV1Q5dlJHdz09
Password: 028623
Or dial in from your telephone: Internally: x28882 Externally: 646-558-8656 (Primary) 408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)
Or iPhone one-tap: +16465588656,,91409120118# or +14086380968,,91409120118#
EWS link: https://zoom.us/wc/91409120118/join
Meeting ID: 914 0912 0118
32nd International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology: Deadline extended! Now accepting poster abstracts through January 31, 2022.
13th International Newborn Brain Conference (mcascientificevents.eu): February 10-12, 2022
Will be held online
Flux 2022 | September 7-9, 2022 | La Sorbonne Paris, France
The deadline to submit a symposia abstract is February 25, 2022.
Learn more about their 2022 Paris Flux Congress and submit your Symposia HERE.
The 22nd International Conference on Biomagnetism: August 28 – September 1, 2022
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Call for Abstracts/Posters submissions has been extended to Friday March 18, 2022
Society for Neuroscience: November 12-16, 2022; San Diego, CA
online abstract submission opens on June 21
More information on abstract deadlines here: Society for Neuroscience - Dates and Deadlines (sfn.org)
51ST CNS ANNUAL MEETING: The 51st CNS Annual Meeting will be held at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio October 12-15, 2022.
The abstract submission portal will be open February 1 – April 1, 2022. More information here: CNS Annual Meeting - Child Neurology Society
Various Dates: Newborn Brain Society - Fetal Neurology Webinar Series Helpful Links â–´ Research Computing Data Management â–´ Research Computing Self Portal â–´ Research Announcements & News â–´ Office of Sponsored Programs Updates â–´ Funding Opportunities and Links â–´ Staff Resources - Covid-19 â–´ Covid Vaccine FAQs
Congratulations to Dr. Kiho Im on his promotion to Associate Professor!

Congratulations to Dr. Ellen Grant who received the 2022 ASPNR’s Gold Medal Award. The Gold Medal Award is awarded on the basis of both professional and personal excellence, honoring individuals who are superb pediatric neuroradiologists, scientists, and/or physicians, and mentors and who also are truly outstanding people. Recipients have consistently extended themselves beyond self-interest to make contributions to the field of pediatric neuroradiology and as such, have elevated our subspecialty. This medal recognizes the exceptional service and achievements of these individuals.
Please see more information here: Gold Medal Award - American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (aspnr.org)
BCH COVID-19 Update(s):
COVID Return to Work/Temporary Policies
Several COVID-19 temporary policies will be implemented beginning Thursday January 6th in response to the current COVID-19 surge. These policies will be reevaluated every two weeks.
• Non-essential meetings and hospital gatherings should be postponed until after January.
o Required on-site educational conferences are considered to be essential
o Staff should be masked while attending essential on-campus meetings or gatherings
o No food is allowed at any meetings or gatherings
• Observers (including shadowing) are not allowed onsite, regardless of vaccination status.
• High school students that are not BCH employees are not allowed onsite. This does not apply to individuals visiting patients.
• Virtual Visits should be utilized when possible and appropriate for clinical care.
• Vendors that support clinical care are allowed to be on site.
• OHS is continuing to work as fast as possible to answer staff inquires. Please see the self-assessment for the return to work criteria if you are awaiting clearance to return to work after COVID-19 infection.
• BCH is currently at COVID-19 lab testing capacity and is not able to expand testing criteria for other proposed groups. Please be patient as many are working hard to support the ability to test patients and staff quickly.
Staff Self-Assessment for Return to Work from COVID-19 Infection
In an effort to increase efficiency, BCH is implementing a new process for staff to return to work following a COVID-19 infection. Staff will continue to be called by OHS if they test positive for COVID-19, and will be provided with instructions for returning to work.
• Beginning January 4th, Staff no longer need to be cleared by OHS if they meet the criteria as defined below.
Staff who are symptomatic, and positive for COVID-19 by PCR or antigen test, may return to work if:
• At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, AND
• Significant improvement in all other symptoms, or return to pre-COVID-19 baseline, AND
• At least 7 days since symptoms first appeared
Staff who are asymptomatic, and positive for COVID-19 by PCR or antigen test, may return to work if:
• At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, AND
o Significant improvement in all other symptoms, or return to pre-COVID-19 baseline, AND
o At least 7 days since symptoms first appeared
Staff who are asymptomatic, and positive for COVID-19 by PCR or antigen test, may return to work if:
o At least 7 days have passed since positive test, AND
o Remain asymptomatic
• You are required to be cleared to return to work by OHS if you are severely immunocompromised or were hospitalized for the treatment of COVID-19.
• If the above requirements are met, staff may return to work on-site without further review, but must notify OHS and their manager via email with the date they meet the criteria to return to work.
• If the above requirements are NOT met, or staff have any questions, please contact OHS at 857-218-3046 before returning to work on-site.
• Exposed staff must still contact OHS before returning to work. This process is exclusively for staff who have confirmed COVID-19, and does not apply to staff who have been exposed.
See the BCH COVID-19 Return to Work document, also available on the COVID-19 Staff Resources website.
Brain Games
If you have something that you would like to see featured in the next newsletter, please contact Winona Bruce-Baiden at: winona.bruce-baiden@childrens.harvard.edu